Crestwood Manor Hosts Veteran Recognition Program

In honor of Veterans Day (November 11), Crestwood Manor, a Springpoint community, hosted a Veteran Recognition Program earlier this week. Springpoint President and CEO Anthony Argondizza was in attendance and recognized Crestwood Manor resident veterans for their service and dedication. Mr. Argondizza, along with Crestwood Manor Executive Director Ann Hay, presented several veterans with Springpoint certificates and pins while expressing the organization’s gratitude.
“Duty. Honor. Country. That is what we are here to celebrate today,” Argondizza said. “Thank you to our Springpoint veterans for their sacrifice and commitment in protecting and serving our nation.”
Joining Argondizza was military representative Joseph C. Bucco Jr., LTC (Ret). Born and raised in Matawan, LTC Bucco formerly served in the U.S. Navy and the New Jersey Army National Guard. He now serves as a VSO State Supervisor for the New Jersey Department of Military & Veterans Affairs. He is responsible for eight Veteran Service Offices in North Jersey and is recognized by the VA General Counsel to present veteran’s claims before the VA Board of Veterans Appeals.
The event drew over 40 attendees, several embellished in military flair including hats, jackets, medals, and badges. Veterans (including family and friend representatives) were asked to stand for applause when their military branch was called–this included the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S. Airforce, U.S. Coast Guard, and U.S. Marine Corps.
Crestwood resident Betty Bittner provided some patriotic flare on the piano to conclude the event. Attendees got into the spirit while clapping their hands and stomping their feet when Bittner sampled popular choruses from several different military marching songs. She ended with a beautiful rendition of “God Bless America.”
Springpoint is proud to recognize so many of our own residents and staff who have honorably served in the United States Armed Forces. It is a true privilege to pay tribute to them and their families. The event at Crestwood Manor is just one outstanding example of the many Veterans Day programs that were held throughout the week by several Springpoint communities.
Veterans Day–originally known as Armistice Day–is a federal holiday in the United States observed annually on November 11, for honoring military veterans of the United States Armed Forces.
For more information about Crestwood Manor and to view upcoming community events, please visit the Crestwood Manor website.