Enjoy the Warmth of the Season: Indoor Hobbies for the Winter

That crisp bite in the air can be invigorating and restorative, but in the winter, you don’t want to spend your entire day out of doors. As the temperature continues to drop, you’ll find yourself stuck inside for longer hours, and boredom can set in quickly. However, staying active and busy is a vital part of aging well. In fact, research suggests that “living a busy lifestyle is associated with better cognition.”
To keep your mind and body active in the colder season, it’s important to have some indoor hobbies that interest you. So, Crestwood Manor has compiled a list of hobbies for seniors that you can use to keep your body and brain stimulated this winter.
6 Indoor Activities for Seniors this Winter
- Exercise classes. There’s nothing quite like getting your blood pumping to motivate you. You don’t even have to walk out your front door to get some vitalizing exercise! Thanks to the advancement of the internet, there are plenty of YouTube videos to instruct you in a variety of exercise types like yoga and tai chi. If you want to be social while exercising, Crestwood Manor offers many different activities each month, guaranteeing you’ll never be bored.
- Book clubs. Reading is a wonderful way to expand your mind in any season. Of course, when we find ourselves spending more time inside, it means more time for reading and learning. If you want to motivate yourself to read more, why not join or start a book club? Reading a book with a group of friends allows you to stay sharp, stay in touch with the outside world and stay social.
- Spend time writing. If you’re one of the many who have said “I’d like to write a book” in their lifetime, winter is the perfect occasion to finally start. Whether you want to relive your memories and create your memoir or embrace creativity with a fictional tale, spending time writing is a great hobby to take up during the winter months.
- Practice your art skills. When you’ve worked your whole life, you may not have had the time to explore your creative time. Why not spend some of your time trying an activity like sketching or watercolor painting? Indoor hobbies like artwork allow you to enjoy some time in solitude or engage in a social circle with an art class.
- Start an indoor garden. Do you enjoy gardening during the summer and seeing the rewards of your handiwork? Growing plants of all kinds can be transitioned into indoor gardening! Pick up some pots, soil and seeds from your local nursery and try developing your green thumb while the outside world is white.
- Grab coffee with some friends. It can be easy to become isolated in the winter months when you’re stuck at home, alone. Schedule some time to grab a cup of coffee with a friend or two to enjoy a social atmosphere. If you can’t get out of your home, brew your own cup of coffee or tea and get on a video call with a loved one.
Enjoy a Variety of Hobbies for Seniors at Crestwood Manor
At Crestwood Manor, the winter months don’t have to be lonely. We’ve developed a multitude of activities as well as relaxing and engaging amenities to keep you mind engaged during the colder months. Spend time creating a cozy quilt in our new Quilting Arts Center or honing your skills in our woodworking shop. Our Bistro is the perfect place to sit and enjoy the company of a friend while warming yourself with a cup a coffee. Want to get your heart pumping? Our award-winning LivWell program offers boundless wellness opportunities throughout the month.
Contact us today to learn more about the winter activities leading to a vibrant life at Crestwood Manor.